Hopefully, after sharing several tips and materials in this blog, I have inspired some of you to teach better. If that is not achieved, at least this blog has given you some insights on how to develop writing skills among your weak learners as well as how to develop language accuracy among your potential A and B learners. Definitely, there will be more sharing to be done in this blog - @EZE (pronounced as 'easy'). It is an Exclusive Zone of English where, before I "expire" and retire, I will keep on sharing ideas and materials related to the teaching and learning of English, in shaa Allah. It is also my aim to share other tips and materials such as the teaching and learning of reading, literature and speaking. When? At the moment, I do not have a definite answer. Perhaps, do visit my @EZE from time to time and see what are shared and highlighted. Thanks for all your support. May Allah bless all of you.
The quotation above is about all of us actually - the English Language teachers. We, no matter how old we are, should aspire to inspire others. Some young teachers have inspired me in certain ways. There are things they are really good at and I am not shy to admit I am far behind especially in using technology to teach English. Each of us has our strength that can be nurtured and developed to the highest level. Sky is always the limit. Come on, let's inspire! Yes, you can! Go for it!!