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“I Know” Technique for Lower Intermediate Learners; SPM 1119/2 Part 1

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Most lower intermediate learners (galus/halus) do not only have language issues but they also lack in term of content in particular giving details for their ideas. Some of them also think it requires an immense effort to write reasons or give justifications for their suggested or recommended ideas. How can this challenge be faced by those learners? How can ESL teachers guide lower intermediate learners to provide simple justifications for their ideas?

This technique called “I Know” is very applicable in writing short communicative messages or Part 1 of SPM 1119/2. Candidates have to imagine they know the sender of the email very well in terms of the sender’s personality, family background, likes and dislikes, hobbies or personal wishes. The three questions and sample answers below demonstrate the technique clearly.

Question 1

Sample answer 1:

Question 2:

Sample answer 2:

Question 3

Sample answer 3:

Teachers can guide their lower intermediate candidates to apply “I Know” technique in their email writing a few times; perhaps 3-4 times. This is because there are other ways how candidates can elaborate their ideas or give justifications. Moreover, having more than four sentences which apply the “I know” Technique may sound awkward.

“I Know” is a simple yet practical technique to ensure lower intermediate learners provide details or justifications for their ideas. At least, the technique should offer an alternative for weak learners to apply in giving elaborations. May this article give insights to ESL teachers who have to deal with weak learners who may have no idea how to elaborate their ideas.


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